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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Atlantic crossing 2011/2012

Most of you will have been kept up to date during our Atlantic Crossing on our other blog –

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I don’t plan on repeating it – so check that blog out.  All I will say here is that we had a pretty swift crossing – 13 days, 23 hours and 45 minutes to be precise, an average speed of 6.3knots, covering 2110miles. We left Mindelo Cape Verdes on December 21 and arrived in Barbados on January 4. That meant of course we had both Christmas Day and New Year’s Day at sea.  Christmas dinner was roast lamb and veges served in bowls as it was very rough.  Christmas breakfast ended up all over the galley bench when a rogue wave hit – not much fun for the cook!!
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I’d like to say it was a breeze but we had a few scruffy days that were trying.  But….sailors have short memories and as we sit in the anchorage at Carlisle Bay, Barbados, sipping rum punches, the nighttime squalls, strong winds, big seas and grey gloomy days are all in the past!
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We didn’t take many photos – it was all too hard to get the camera out, try and keep it from getting wet, balance yourself etc.  But here are a few.  And why is it that the damn sea flattens out in photos – noone would believe we had 3m swells!!
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flying fish on deck – bad pilots!                    skipper’s breakfast – flying fish!

         celebratory rum on arrival in Barbados – rum never tasted so good!!!

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